The Matilda Peppercorn
Origin Series
Evil Inspector-General Hopkins has a list. He's checking it twice. And he's definitely not Santa ...
Ever since Hallowe'en, Matilda Peppercorn has felt like she's being watched. Weirdy women keep popping up in all sorts of strange places. On the special mosaic in her garden. Up a tree at the tumbledown building where she and BFF Mattan hang out. Even at the competition for her beloved kickboxing.
And they’re not just watching. They’re testing her, for a job she’s even never heard of and that involves furballs and feline fighting. Crazy, yes? Surely that's impossible!
It's time for the Flying Matildas, Tilly and Mattan, to do some police detectiving of their own. And if anyone's up to the task, it's Matilda Peppercorn: magical mayhem, loyalest bestie ever and kick-boxing power-packer .... all in one legendary teen.
(Meet Tilly, Jane Blonde, Jack BC, Stein, Gideon and a host of out-of-this-world characters in the S*W*A*G*G series, including Tilly's
own tale of all tails, Sorcery!)
Learn the Legend of Matilda Peppercorn
in the madly magical quartet
Matilda Peppercorn SWAGG Superhero Profile
Are you a power packer? Read more below!
You're a Matilda Peppercorn kind of person! Like Tilly, you're enthusiastic, outgoing,
naturally optimistic and a real motivator.
You love a challenge - like a good old competition in whatever you're passionate about,
or standing up for your friends!
And those friends? They love how driven you are and how you use your gift of the gab
and superb skills to launch fearlessly into any adventure.
Your profile
You're a fun-loving, outgoing kinda person, with a positive take on life even when life isn't all that easy. You love to talk, joke, and inspire others with your passion and energy. Other people are pretty motivated by you and your natural optimism.
You're great at seeing the big picture, and how all the moving parts of that picture fit together. Once you've seen it, you're like a lightning bolt, firing up everyone around you to join you on a mission to get it done! You make quick decisions and just get on with the job.
You love learning about things until you're expert. The best. Ambitious, driven and competitive. You'll do anything for your buddies and love encouraging them to be their best, too. You can be a great teacher and mentor for others by combining your high achievements and expertise with your ability to talk to others.
You can also learn from others, though, don't forget - and listening is as important as talking! And when you listen to others you also take the time to make important decisions and set realistic deadlines.
You'll love to learn from those you consider to be really expert - and they'll love teaching you because you soak up information and act on it quickly. If you surround yourself with great teachers and friends who'll get you to slow down and think of the details, you'll be an unstoppable powerhouse!