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Jack B-C, the origin series

"It was back. The hair on his face was thicker than ever. But it wasn't just a beard. Now his eyebrows here meeting in the middle to form a thick band of blue-black hair across his forehead - a mono-brow gone wild."

Jack Bootle-Cadogan is a fairly average lord-in-the-making, until he begins to sprout facial hair and some very pointy teeth. He can't go to school looking this ruff!

Thanks to a family curse, Jack is destined to become Anubis, god of the dead. 50% human. 50% jackal. 100% busted.

Can he master his new secret rituals and still win the school's running competition? Find out in a hilarious tale of a boy who's losing his head - but gaining a free pass to the pyramids, the undead, and a crazy collection of friends and family.

A trilogy extravaganza of Egyptian adventures, originally published by Macmillan Children's Books UK and now in its official new home at Jill Marshall Books.

A SWAGG Origin Stories series, from the author of the best-selling Jane Blonde series, Jill Marshall.

Read the Jack B-C Trilogy
Jack B-C SWAGG Superhero Profile
The Boundless Buddy

Did you get the Boundless Buddy proflle? Read more below!



Like Jack B-C (aka Doghead), you're the most loyal, hard-working, supportive friend around. Your buddies can always depend on you!

You're the kind of person who looks out for others, organises all the group outings, takes one for the team. Your energy is infectious and endless, and you're always willing to be wherever you're needed.

Everyone loves your warmth, loyalty and your ability to be right there in the moment, whether it's jumping in to help or just having fun.

Your profile

Ah, you. We all love you, Boundless Buddy. You're the most loyal, sweet, hard-working person around. You're the glue that holds the group together and the best friend we could ever ask for. You always find time to listen, comfort, encourage and look out for everyone. 

You're an amazing team player, always trying to include everyone and make sure the needs are met for every single individual. You totally know that people come first, and you're often the one smoothing over the cracks when other personalities start to fight in your beloved team sports, projects and fun activities.

Everyone need some downtime? You're the one to book the bowling alley. You don't need to win, shine, be the greatest or best, or take the lead.You love to have fun, but there's nothing more fun to you than seeing all your friends have a great time together. 

You're compassionate and loving, quick to defend and slow to attack. You're a wonderful listener and give careful responses, and once a friend, you're always a friend. There is nobody more loyal than the Boundless Buddy, and you devote a lot of energy to being the greatest, kindest, most loyal friend or family member anyone could have. 

Of course, just now and again you'd like to say no to something that's really just unreasonable (like Jack being asked to be the God of Death!) and yet don't feel you can. You'd like to know that all your effort to hold everyone together is appreciated, and yet you feel like you're always the giver. Just because you don't say anything doesn't mean you don't feel it, right? And just because it happened a while ago doesn't mean you're not still feeling it. 

It's okay. You're a wonderful feeling person. Just know that you can say no and still be kind. You can express your opinion and still be sweet. And you can forgive a friend for what they didn't even know they'd done, and keep that friendship for a very long time - perhaps forever. Everyone needs you to be you, Boundless Buddy. The whole beautiful you. Now go be a legend. 

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